News: BOO! Happy Halloween Event! - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

News: BOO! Happy Halloween Event!

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BOO! Happy Halloween Event!
December 23

Astral Beta Cruz
AstralBetaCruz is the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!

December 20: 4 Years of Patricia + Happy Birthday ULTIMEW!

Crystal I Luv Fruit

As of today, it's been 4 years since our now-Head Contributor and Elite Sweater Wearer Jelly officially became an artist for Pokemon Eclipse! Congratulations, and thank you so much for everything you do!! One day you may be free of us, but today is not that day. In celebration, CrystalILuvFruit is a promo for 24 hours!

Also, happy birthday Ultimew!!!

December 14: Another Birthday!??!

Pearl Hyper MareaniePearl Hyper ShinxPearl Hyper ZangoosePearl Hyper ZigzagoonPearl Slakoth

Happy birthday to our beloved Nonexistent User! Many bubblegum-flavored Pokemon have flocked to various areas on the site to commemorate the occasion: PearlHyperMareanie, PearlHyperShinx, PearlHyperZangoose, PearlHyperZigzagoon, and a mystery CMP have gathered at Mesprit's Lake, and PearlSlakoth has appeared at the Mine Shop!

Today's releases are all available indefinitely (if not permanently) so all Trainers will have plenty of time! Thanks to Nonexistent User himself for putting these new releases in-game, and once again make sure to wish him a happy birthday!

Eclipse Star December 13 Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

December 13: Watch Me Neigh Neigh!

Shiny Hyper Galarian Ponyta
It's December 13th, so you know what that means — it's the most festive day of the year: National Horse Day! Perhaps coincidentally, hordes of ShinyHyperGalarianPonyta have been sighted sliding down multidimensional rainbows, turning Great Volcano into their home!

These mysterious beings will only be available for ~36 hours, so get one while you can! Thanks to Dev for donating to put it in-game!

December 12: Radiant Garden!

Radiant Garden Pokemon Eclipse Legendary AreaDark Genesis Galaxy Suicune

In a stunning turn of events, the map Newmoon Island has been overrun by the impure DarkGenesisGalaxySuicune! Once tasked with sailing the north wind to purify the oceans, Suicune has turned to corruption and chaos, bringing absolute darkness wherever it goes. If you're brave enough, visit Radiant Garden and figure out what's going on before it's too late!

A huge thanks to Crystal, Pixel, The Grinch, and Dev for banding together to release this update!

December 11

The portrait ShinyPirouetteMeloetta can now be found while searching Fullmoon Island! Happy birthday Sanae Kochiya!

Crystal Event Moocow
Make sure to also wish Megan a happy birthday! As a reminder, CrystalEventMoocow was released a few days ago on Moon Gaze Mountain in celebration!

December 10: December Star Shop Raffles!

Shiny PalkiaShiny ChinglingShiny Rotom
The December Star Shop raffles are now open for entry! Winners will be drawn after February 1st, so make sure to enter for a chance to win extremely rare Pokemon! Thanks to Dio for his help preparing this month's raffle!

Note: Star Points are a currency exclusively earned from Daily Prize Chests as a reward for player loyalty!

December 8: Aether Paradise Event Reminder + Art Credits

Please note that December 10th will be the final day to earn Roto Treasure in the Aether Paradise event, so get 'em while you can! In other words: beginning December 11th, Roto Treasure will no longer be obtainable. Players will have 3 days thereafter to exchange their Roto Treasure, and 14 days to use their Roto Boosts.

Below is a list of artists who contributed to the Aether Paradise event!

Aether Paradise Event: New Sprites!
Harvest SnomShiny Harvest Snom HarvestSnom: Sprited by Jelly
Harvest FrosmothShiny Harvest Frosmoth HarvestFrosmoth: Sprited by Jelly
Event DwebbleShiny Event Dwebble EventDwebble: Designed by benniken, sprited by Jelly
Event CrustleShiny Event Crustle EventCrustle: Designed by benniken, sprited by Jelly
Virus PorygonShiny Virus Porygon VirusPorygon: Sprited by Mystera
(Shiny tweaked by Jelly)
Virus Porygon2Shiny Virus Porygon2 VirusPorygon2: Sprited by Mystera
(Shiny tweaked by Jelly)
Virus Porygon- ZShiny Virus Porygon- Z VirusPorygon-Z: Sprited by Mystera
(Shiny tweaked by Jelly)
Event BlacephalonShiny Event Blacephalon EventBlacephalon: Designed by Spintato, sprited by Sigi Jelly Luxluxray
(Shiny by Sigi and Jelly)
Hyper Virus Giratina HyperVirusGiratina: Created by Jelly

Revamped Sprites
Event Mew EventMew: Sprited by Luxluxray, tweaked by Jelly
Harvest Absol HarvestAbsol: Sprited by Luxluxray, tweaked by Jelly

Recolored Sprites
Shiny Beta Ballerine ShinyBetaBallerine: Recolored by Jelly
Shiny Harvest Skiddo ShinyHarvestSkiddo: Recolored by Jelly
Legacy I Hate Shinx LegacyIHateShinx: Recolored by Jelly
Legacy Event Mew LegacyEventMew: Recolored by Jelly

New Portraits
Jigglypuff (harvest): Sprited by Jelly
Tentacruel (harvest): Sprited by Jelly
Slowpoke (harvest): Sprited by Jelly
Doduo (harvest): Sprited by Jelly
Tangela (harvest): Sprited by Jelly
Catertree (harvest): Sprited by Jelly
Porygon (virus): Sprited by Mystera
Porygon2 (virus): Sprited by Mystera
Porygon-Z (virus): Sprited by Mystera
ShinyDrifloon: Recolored by Jelly
Rotom (virus): Sprited by Jelly
ShinyRotom (virus): Recolored by Jelly
Heatran (event-legacy): Recolored by Jelly

December 8: Happy Birthday Reece!

Emerald Hyper Omega Celebi

EmeraldHyperOmegaCelebi has appeared at God's Dream and players have a chance to find an EmeraldCelebi portrait while searching there! (Recolored by Jelly) Thanks to DeletedUser for making this happen, make sure to wish him a happy birthday!!

December 5: Depraved Duo!

Galaxy Elekid
GalaxyElekid has joined GalaxyMagby at Groudon's Palace! Thanks to Nonexistent User and AwesomeGary once again for this addition!

December: Exclusive Donator Avatars!

Hyper Chao

The Exclusive Avatar for December 2021 is HyperChao!

All donators who donate $25 or more in December will earn this avatar for free!
The avatar is permanently and automatically added to your Avatar Collection.
It is available for a month only, then it will be unobtainable.

Hyper Tye Dye RegidragoHyper Tonic RegidragoHyper Tango Regidrago

Furthermore, if you donate $50 or more during December, you'll also receive HyperTyeDyeRegidrago, HyperTonicRegidrago, and HyperTangoRegidrago avatars!

If you already qualify for the avatars, you should receive them automatically within three days! If not, please reach out to Cless. (You will get a PM once they're added to your avatar collection.)

If you're interested in donating, see the Donations Guide for more details!
And feel free to PM me, Cless or Kora ʕ ʔ (Kora) if you have any questions at all!

November 26: Luxluxray + Winter Pokemon Suggestions + Pink Magma!

It's that time of year again, the most festive time of all! And that means the Winter Event is slowly approaching — if you have any ideas for new fakemon / event Pokemon / portraits, or anything at all, please post on the Christmas Pokemon Suggestions forum!

Also, congratulations to Luxluxray on passing their trial and becoming a full Artist!

We would love to welcome even more artists to the team, so if you're interested in creating art for Pokemon Eclipse, please apply to be an artist!

Pink Magma Pokemon Eclipse theme
Finally, a new site theme is available: Pink Magma, designed by the one-and-only Jelly! Tip: You can change your theme on the Options page.

November 25: Aether Paradise Event!

The next phase of the event is here — VirusRotom has been causing mischief throughout the game with his various cheat codes and hax! Reports of players walking through walls and encountering wild level 100 Arceus abound! Visit Aether Paradise and put a stop to him... or join him for fun and profit!

We expect that the Aether Paradise Event will last for at least 15 days. Good luck!

November 24

Happy birthday Dio! In celebration, DarkRetroAbsol is the promo for 24 hours!

Astral Hyper Noibat
Also, AstralHyperNoibat is the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!

Eclipse Star 22 November Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

November 19: Happy Birthday Dabi & Scamwe! (Pray for Phil)

Happy birthday to The Grinch and Tigwe!! In celebration, some otherworldly Pokemon have appeared on the maps as well a special simian Promotional Pokemon!

Shiny Galaxy Turtwig
First off, ShinyGalaxyTurtwig can be found on Burned Tower for 24 hours only! Thanks to Hurricanez and Sanae Kochiya for teaming up to put this one in-game!

Shiny Galaxy Ralts
Meanwhile, ShinyGalaxyRalts can be encountered in the wilds of Ultra Space! There is currently no time limit on this release. Remember to bring Poke Balls!

Shiny Galaxy Chimchar
And to top it off, ShinyGalaxyChimchar is a limited edition Promo Pokemon available for today only! It's free, so make sure to collect yours. Thanks to Moondancer for this wonderful release!

Eclipse Star 15 November Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

November 14: bost !!

Experience Points Star
A search boost is now active for the next ~5 days, just for funsies! Enjoy! Tip: A search boost reduces the movement of the button while searching the Legendary Areas, and provides boosted Map EXP and Rocks.

November 13: Ultra Space Disruption!

Shiny Galaxy MewShiny Galaxy KyogreLegacy Genesis Galaxy SuicuneHyper Chao

Countless legendary and mythical Pokemon have been spotted emerging from Ultra Wormholes deep in Ultra Space, bringing with them HyperChao, a mysterious creature from another universe! It's unclear whether or not it's even a Pokemon (perhaps it's a Digimon?) but it appears to be catchable. Venture to Ultra Space to see what's going on!

Many Halloween-themed Harvest portraits designed by the fabulous Jelly can also be found on Ultra Space, as well as ShinyCaterpie!

Ultra Space is a Legendary Area unlocked by purchasing it on the Moon Shop for Moon Points 100,000 Moon Points. Ultra Space is the ultimate challenge and isn't for the faint of heart, so good luck to all trainers who embark there!

A big thanks to Fluff, The Grinch, zLustrous, and Zeldris for donating for many of the new releases! A huge thanks also to Kora ʕ ʔ for getting the lovely new HyperChao sprite commissioned and custom-made!

Shiny Unbound Hoopa
Also, the final day for Hoopa's Haunted House has been decided: November 21st! In other words, players will have the entirety of the 21st to search the map, and then it will close at midnight that day.

November 12: Monkey Madness!

Pearl Grookey
A horde of wild PearlGrookey have been sighted swinging from temporal vines and rolling in geospatial balls at Distortion World, resulting in mayhem throughout the dimensions! Hurry over and put a stop to this madness! At current rates, we predict it'll take about 2 weeks to quell the invasion. Oh noes!

Thanks to Mamimi for bringing this evil plot to fruition!

November 10: Happy Birthday Moondancer!

Crystal Rockruff
CrystalRockruff is the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks! Thanks to Moondancer for donating to put it in-game, and make sure to wish them a happy birthday!!

November 9: Who's Joe?

Say hello to our new (-ish) Trial Cbox Moderator, Itachi Uchiha! He is also our new Chief Complaints Officer ™ (CCO) — if you have any complaints about the game, work, your relationships, your dog, or anything at all, send them his way!

Eclipse Star 8 November Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

November 3

Emerald I Hate DunsparceSilver AbraCrystal I Hate Miltank
EmeraldIHateDunsparce has invaded Newmoon Island and will be around for 2 weeks! Furthermore, SilverAbra has been added to the SSM Shop, and CrystalIHateMiltank to the Mine Shop! Make sure to thank AwesomeGary for these fabulous releases!

Legacy Hoopa
And don't forget, Phase 1 of the Halloween Event is going on! Visit Hoopa's Haunted House and the Ultra Wormhole to participate!

Eclipse Star 1 November Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

October 31: Halloween Event Phase 1!

Legacy Genesis Ghost
BOO! Happy Halloween!

The mansion of horrors, Hoopa's Haunted House, has returned! Should you dare to enter, beware the trickery and debauchery of its inhabitants — word has it they don't take too kindly to humans. But if you're bravehearted enough, perhaps you can quell the horrors within and find some extremely rare Pokemon! Just make sure to prepare your will in advance. Just in case.

Legacy GhostShiny Lunala
If you find LegacyGenesisGhost at Hoopa's Haunted House, exchange it for a spin of the grand Prize Wheel at the Ultra Wormhole! See the Ultra Wormhole event page for more details, or click here to preview the wheel.

If all goes well, we expect Phase 2 of the Halloween Event to be released in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out!

A big thanks to Fluff, The Grinch, Harold, Hurricanez, Dev, and Pixel for teaming up to donate for a bunch of the new releases on the event map!! A huge thanks also to Jelly for creating much of the new artwork, and to Kora ʕ ʔ for her help organizing the event!
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Posted By: Cless
Date Posted: November 02, 2021