News: June Update! - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

News: June Update!

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June Update!
June 29

Ruby Hyper Galarian Ponyta
RubyHyperGalarianPonyta is the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!

Eclipse Star June 27th Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

June 28

Shiny Hyper Galaxy TreeckoShiny Hyper Galaxy GrovyleShiny Hyper Galaxy SceptileShiny Hyper Galaxy Mega Sceptile
Happy birthday Anthrax_Blu-Ray! In celebration, their significant other CryptoMoo has released ShinyHyperGalaxyTreecko on the Moon Shop! It costs Moon Points 10,000 Moon Points and will only be available for 24 hours, so get yours while you can! A big thanks to the prettiest user on site (in my unbiased opinion), Kora ʕ ʔ, for making the sprites!

Shiny Hyper Galaxy Treecko
Treecko left behind the following cryptic message:
"15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance"

It is not yet clear what this means.

Seillib Trading Week: July 2022

It's almost time for the summer Seillib Trading Week! This summer's festivities will take place over the course of five days: between Tuesday, the 5th of July, and Saturday, the 9th of July.

The official forum for this event can be found here: Seillib Trading Week information. Please read the full thread before partaking!

June 25: New ??? DNAs!

A new selection of Pokemon can be restored from clicking-related classes of ??? DNAs! (Map, battle, and mine DNAs.)

NOTE: From this point onward, we are implementing a new, experimental formula for calculating the odds of finding ??? DNAs while clicking: DNAs will no longer be capped at 5, but it will get progressively harder to find the next ??? DNA as the amount you own increases.

For example, if I currently own 0 map DNAs, I will have the easiest odds of finding another map DNA while searching (1/50k). If I get 1 map DNA, it will become slightly harder, then again at 2, and so on. The odds get increasingly harder for each new DNA I find, with the odds maxing out at 5+ map DNAs owned (remaining stable at 1/1mil).

Basically, this update makes it easier to find new DNA if you don't currently have many, but harder if you tend to hoard a lot. Therefore, you are encouraged to routinely restore your ??? DNAs at the DNA Center once you get x3 if you wish to maintain optimal odds. Alternatively, you may continue to accumulate more DNAs if you wish - this may be ideal if you want to preserve them for the next rotation and aren't too concerned about losing out on the current rotation. You will pay with more difficult odds, however. But unlike previously, your DNAs won't be capped at 5 when the next rotation is released.

Note: The progressively harder odds only factor in DNAs from the same class as the action you're taking. For example, owning 5 battle DNAs will not impact my odds of finding map DNA while searching.

Tip: ??? DNAs are a mysterious type of Pokemon DNA found randomly while searching the Legendary Areas, battling, mining, or chatting on the cbox. They can also be earned from Daily Prize chests. Visit the DNA Center to restore DNAs — you require 3 DNAs of a particular type to restore a Pokemon back to life.

June 25: Pride Paradise!

Kicking off the summer, a massive party has begun at Mesprit's Lake, transforming it into Pride Paradise! A bunch of new Pokemon species are flocking to the area to join in on the fun! Why not head to Pride Paradise yourself?

A huge thanks to Jelly for designing this event's most fabulous & magnificent map image! A massive thanks also to Baylor & Rose for helping to organize this map takeover event, and to Flare, zokoo, Aurellyn, VaiKiren, and Chad for donating for many of the new releases! They left the following informative message written by + Orion:

Pride Month takes place in the month of June due to the events that occurred on June 28, 1969 at New York City Greenwich Village, Stonewall Inn. Police raided the inn, arresting and harming many members of the LGBTQ community. Hundreds of people stood up against the unfair treatment and rioted outside the building for five days. On June 28, 1970, the first gay pride march took place. There were multiple gay rights groups and organizations that appeared worldwide afterwards. It’s important to keep the events at Stonewall in mind as it marked the beginning of gay rights movements, allowing many members of the LGBTQ community and allies to come together against the discrimination of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Legacy Galaxy PichuLegacy Galaxy PikachuLegacy Galaxy Raichu

NOTE: The final day of the Pride Paradise event will be July 1st, 2022.

Eclipse Star June 20th Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

June 18: Crystal Crossing Update

An update to the Crystal Crossing event: the event has been extended until the end of June 21st! (Note: This is still subject to change.)

June 17: Minimodding Monkey Mayhem!

Golden Galaxy DialgaShadow Galarian ArticunoPearl Galarian Zapdos
Legacy Galarian MoltresLegacy Hyper Galaxy VictiniDark Galaxy Origin Giratina
Happy birthday Chimtwig!! In celebration, many legendary/mythical Pokemon have descended upon Ruins of Alph to assert their dominance and stop the tyranny of Chimtwig's minimodding! Thanks to Chimtwig himself, monkeybutt20, and Dialga for making this happen!

Eclipse Star June 13th Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

June 8: Crystal Crossing Update

An update to the Crystal Crossing event released yesterday: the maximum number of Wishes per day has increased from 4 to 5!

June 7: Happy 15 Years of Eclipse + Crystal Crossing + Signature Promos!

As of today, Pokemon Eclipse has turned 15 years old! From the bottom of my heart, thanks so much to everyone who has supported and enjoyed Eclipse over the years, and to everybody who has personally helped me through this incredible journey. It truly has been an indescribable privilege and I couldn't be luckier. I am genuinely eternally grateful to all of you. It is incredible that we've been able to share a community for so long and come together over our shared enjoyment of Pokemon and this community. Here's hoping to many more years of Eclipse!! Read on for anniversary updates!

Crystal Crossing

Following a massive earthquake, Crystal Crossing has emerged from the core of the planet! Located within is the mythical wish-maker, ShinyJirachi. Rumors are buzzing that she will grant your wishes if you pay her a visit...

Signature Promos

Astral Snow Growlithe
Finally, Signature Promos have made another comeback! Back in Version 1.1 X, signature promos were an informal type of promotional Pokemon that could be captured by visiting the Webmaster Cless's profile signature on random occasions — click here to see how they looked back then. A big thanks to Nonexistent User for selecting the first signature promo, AstralSnowGrowlithe!

For at least the rest of June, make sure to check Cless's signature near the bottom of the page every so often to collect your Signature Promo!

Eclipse Star June 6th Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

June 3: Sherwood's Summit!

Something is happening at Thunder Ruins, causing it to be transmogrified into Sherwood's Summit! I wonder what's going on?! Rumor has it some excited Pokemon vandalized the ruins in celebration of somebody's birthday tomorrow... Perhaps it is Ultimew's birthday?! Better head off to Sherwood's Summit and find out!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sherwood!!! (June 4th!) A huge thanks to DemonChocobo28, AShinyPiplup, and of course Sherwood himself for bringing this to fruition! Good luck to all Trainers, let the parties begin!!

June 2: Jirachi's Park Redux + Entei's Tower!

Light Hyper MewGolden Relic Ho-oh

Two new Pokemon have been released on two different maps: LightHyperMew on Jirachi's Park, and GoldenRelicHo-oh on Entei's Tower! LightHyperMew replaces the vaunted LightHyperShaymin - I wonder if something will happen if I capture a million of them... Seems perfectly doable! Ahem, thanks to Kable for releasing the Mew, and to Parrot for the Ho-oh!

Rainbow WailmerRainbow Binary Missingno
Players may have noticed a couple of other new additions to Jirachi's Park released yesterday: RainbowWailmer as a CMP, and RainbowBinaryMissingno as an HML, once again thanks to Kable!


June: Exclusive Donator Avatars!

Hyper Tye Dye AbsolHyper Prismatic Absol

The Exclusive Avatars for June 2022 are HyperTyeDyeAbsol and HyperPrismaticAbsol!

All donators who donate $25 or more in June will earn these avatars for free!
The avatars are permanently and automatically added to your Avatar Collection.
They are available for a month only, then they will be unobtainable.

Hyper Seasnake RegiceHyper Industrial RegiceHyper Wildwest Regice

Furthermore, if you donate $50 or more during June, you'll also receive HyperSeasnakeRegice, HyperIndustrialRegice, and HyperWildwestRegice avatars! Thanks to Kora ʕ ʔ for this month's delicious designs!

If you already qualify for the avatars, you should receive them automatically within three days! If not, please reach out to Cless. (You will get a PM once they're added to your avatar collection.)

If you're interested in donating, see the Donations Guide for more details!
And feel free to PM me, Cless if you have any questions at all!

June 1: Jirachi's Park + God's Dream Updates!

Shadow Hyper Galaxy Moocow
HAPPY JUNE!!! Get ready for pure excitement because one of the most coveted Pokemon in all of Eternia has made its debut on Jirachi's Park: ShadowHyperGalaxyMoocow - what a MOOmentous day! A MOOsive thanks to Megan for this release!

Silver Phantom JirachiSapphire Galaxy Raymence

God's Dream also has new Map Legends: SilverPhantomJirachi and SapphireGalaxyRaymence, thanks to Vikalu and CryptoMoo! This release is meant to be an homage to the release of SilverRayquaza and SapphireJirachi on that same map (with the same odds) many years ago. Now you know!

Eclipse Star May 31st Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

May 29: Happy Cuddleversary Hyde and Tanner!!!

Sapphire Event TeddiursaShadow Galaxy Darkrai
Happy 5th anniversary to Night Shroud (Hyde) and Nonexistent User (Tanner)! So cute omg!!! >~< In celebration of this momentous event, Hyde has released two fabulous Pokemon: SapphireEventTeddiursa as a 1-day promo, and ShadowGalaxyDarkrai as a UJE available for 1 week!

Night Shroud: Happy 5 year anniversary, Tanner <3 You know how bad I am with affection, but I hope you know you are my best friend in this whole world and I wouldn't trade you for anything. I will always be by your side no matter what happens. I hope you like the Teddi and the Darkrai!! I wanted to do something special for our 5 year anni ;w; I love you bear <3 -Hyde

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Posted By: Cless
Date Posted: June 01, 2022