News: Auspices of August! - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

News: Auspices of August!

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Auspices of August!
September 1-3

A Gold Rush is currently live and will expire at 11:59 PM on the 3rd of September. If you would like to make an offer using the Gold Rush feature for your first monthly trade attempt, please let Ultimew know when you PM for set requirement confirmation. You can find a general description and instructions for Gold Rush events here.

September 1

Pearl Hyper Galaxy Combee
PearlHyperGalaxyCombee is the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!

Eclipse Star August 29th Edition

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

The VOTING STAGE has begun! Click here to see all the awesome entries and vote for your favorite! Voting closes on September 4th!

A massive thanks to Megan for this awesome header!

August 30: Spungie's Realm Deja Vu!

Something peculiar yet magnificent is happening at Enigma Island as a gang of wild Diddums have stormed the area, transforming it into Spungie's Realm! The Diddums have started a massive party, attracting many rare & exotic Pokemon to the realm, never to leave! Why does this feel so familiar...

Anyhowdy! A big thanks to Spungie for donating to arrange this fun little map takeover, and most importantly make sure to wish them a happy birthday!!

Deoxys: I'm in this photo and I don't like it.

Diddums: Diddums.

Deoxys: why is this happening to me

August 20: Cless is a Sicko Aqua Event Winddown

Message from Cless: I don't normally do posts like this, but I wanted to apologize for any delays in handling donations or responding to people this month. I came down sick (or something) in early August and have been very sleep-deprived ever since, and it's taken considerably longer than expected to get back to normal. Things seem to be improving significantly the last few days (if I didn't just jinx it) so I expect to be back to normal activity this week if the trend continues. I'll try to catch up with anybody I might have missed and any backlogged requests, but if you want a quicker turnaround, feel free to reach out to Kora ʕ ʔ with the details of your request and she can probably help! A heartfelt thanks to everybody for being so patient and understanding throughout this time, and especially to those who continue to support and help the site, I know the delays can be frustrating. It means a lot though, I truly appreciate it! (Also: Please read on for a notice regarding the Aqua Event!)

Aqua Event Winddown

On another note, please be advised that August 24th will be the final day you can find Treasure and Poké while clicking for the Aqua Event. The Aqua Shop will remain open until August 28th so players can spend their remaining Poké, so make sure you stock up!

August 5: Merry August 5thmas!

Custom Pokemon portrait for Kora

A happy and festive 5th anniversary to my wonderful girlfriend Kora ʕ ʔ! ♥ Thank you so much for all your love and support and for making me laugh so much all these years, it truly means the world to me. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us and what memories we will create. You really have come such a long way and I'm so proud. I love you so much Kora. ♥

Astral Retro Larvitar
For any cringing/vomiting that may or may not have been induced, consider AstralRetroLarvitar as your compensation - today's special Promotional Pokemon! Make sure to collect yours! If you're still upset (or even if you aren't), we strongly encourage filing a formal complaint!

August: Exclusive Donator Avatars!

Legacy Galaxy Entei

The Exclusive Avatar for August 2022 is LegacyGalaxyEntei!

All donators who donate $25 or more in August will earn this avatar for free!
The avatar is permanently and automatically added to your Avatar Collection.
It is available for a month only, then it will be unobtainable.

Hyper Crested Mega MawileHyper Tango Mega MawileHyper Inferno Mega Mawile

Furthermore, if you donate $50 or more during August, you'll also receive HyperCrestedMegaMawile, HyperTangoMegaMawile, and HyperInfernoMegaMawile avatars! Thanks to Kora ʕ ʔ for this month's designs!

If you already qualify for the avatars, you should receive them automatically within three days! If not, please reach out to Cless. (You will get a PM once they're added to your avatar collection.)

If you're interested in donating, see the Donations Guide for more details!
And feel free to PM me, Cless if you have any questions at all!

August 1: Mining Mayhem!

Relic Galaxy MewDark Genesis EnteiPearl Retro ArticunoGenesis Galaxy Moltres

Starting out the month of August, several new mining releases are available! This includes four new Mining Shop releases, 5 new MJEs, and a new secret release only available during August! A big thanks to zLustrous and Luggage on Mars for donating for 2 and 1 of the new releases respectively, as well as to Kora ʕ ʔ for her help organizing this update and selecting the non-dono releases!

July 24: Aqua Event!

It's summer — Team Aqua Leader Archie's favorite season — which means it's time for the Aqua Event! Archie has granted all players access to Summer Seaworld, a lavish summer beach paradise! He requests all trainers head there to restore and harness the ancient power of the deities for world destruction have fun and enjoy a relaxing summer vacation!

While exploring the area, one might happen across Treasure Boxes containing Poke, an otherworldly but long-forgotten line of coinage. Bring it back to Archie at the Aqua Shop for rare and festive booty! Tip: You can still find treasure while clicking elsewhere, but your odds are significantly higher on Summer Seaworld. Check out the Aqua Shop page for full details!

Koraidon Pokemon portrait Mewtwo (galaxy) Pokemon portrait Bulbasaur (festive) Pokemon portrait Raikou (angry) Pokemon portrait Custom Pokemon portrait for Itachi Uchiha Yveltal (galaxy) Pokemon portrait Custom Pokemon portrait for Kora Custom Pokemon portrait for Robin
A massive thanks to Fluff for donating to bring this huge event to fruition! It was initially intended to be for his birthday, so make sure to wish him a belated happy birthday — and of course to Ultimew as well!! Thanks also to Pokemon Trainer#1, Steven, monkeybutt20, Itachi Uchiha, Iapetus, and Robin for donating for many of the new shop releases! Finally, thanks to Kora ʕ ʔ and Robin for their extremely valuable help setting up the Aqua Shop!

July 23: Cosmic Cave!

Cosmic Cave has emerged from a beacon of light, transforming Deep Mewtwo's Cave into a galactic nirvana! Regular Mewtwo is deeply displeased, but luckily GalaxyMewtwo is thrilled! Make sure to stock up on Poke Balls and head to Cosmic Cave for some adventuring! A big thanks to Cramenia, Megan, Nonexistent User, AShinyPiplup, Brad, and Itachi Uchiha for teaming up to make this happen!
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Posted By: Cless
Date Posted: August 03, 2022