News: June: Pride and Pokemon! - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

News: June: Pride and Pokemon!

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June: Pride and Pokemon!
Seillib Trading Week: July 2023

Seillib Trading Week is now underway. This summer's festivities will take place over the course of five days: between Wednesday, the 5th of July, and Sunday, the 9th of July.

The official forum for this event can be found here: Seillib Trading Week information. Please read the full thread before partaking!

Current Phase: First Attempt Phase (second attempts will be automatically declined if they are sent before 12:00 AM on Saturday, July 8th)

Eclipse Star July 4th Edition!

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

June 29: Kyogre's Temple Takeover!

Kyogre's Temple Map Image
In a stunning turn of events, Kyogre's Temple has been overrun (or overswum) with whales, causing zooplankton all over to cry out in terror! The unmitigated madness and horror - who could've imagined whales taking over Kyogre's Temple of all places?! Divers and Pokemon Trainers alike are requested to the area immediately to quell the rebellion before it's too late! Hurry on over to Kyogre's Temple before all the zooplankton are gobbled up!

Koraidon Pokemon portrait Articuno (bubblegum) Pokemon portrait
Thanks so much to Fluff (naturally) and poppysmash99 for conspiring donating to bring this map takeover to fruition! Happy slightly-belated birthday Fluff (June 27th), we hope it was a good one! And of course, happy upcoming to poppysmash99 (July 2nd) as well!!

Finally, thanks also to Itachi Uchiha for agreeing to be featured in this event, it means a lot!!!

June 27: Pride Parade Portraits!

Three new prideful portraits have joined the fray at Pride Gaze Mountain, keeping the party going for a good bit longer!! A huge and fabulous thanks to the one-and-only Jelly for designing these beautiful ports in celebration of Pride Month! Also, please note that the rest of the exclusive pride content (other than these ports) will become unavailable on or after July 15th, so be sure to explore while you can!

June 17: Pride Parade Persists!

Rainbow GrookeyRainbow SkwovetRainbow Chardoof
RainbowGrookey, RainbowSkwovet, and RainbowChardoof are the special Pokemon on Moon Pride Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!

June 7: Happy 16 Years of Eclipse + Crystal Crossing + Signature Promos!

Happy anniversary, Pokemon Eclipse!! As of today, Eclipse has turned a hefty 16 years old! I want to thank everybody in the community from the bottom of my heart, it's truly unbelievable how far we've come and how strong we've stood over the years. And the fact that Eclipse has encompassed well over half of my life by now. I think we're probably the second-oldest Pokemon RPG still standing! Of the major ones, at the very least. Could be wrong, but let's keep it up! Either way, it's beyond amazing.

I'm incredibly excited to see what unfolds over the next year of Eclipse - as I mentioned previously, it's been quite some time since we've mixed things up here in a significant way. Over the last year-ish, I've been vociferously experimenting with new features/mechanics, among other things, many of which are nearing fruition. So with the continued support of the community, and luck on our side, we'll hopefully have a bunch to be excited about over the coming year! Thanks so very much to everybody who has supported me on this journey and those who continue to do so, it genuinely means more than I could ever express, and it is earnestly the privilege of my life (I'm a hit at parties!). Your support has allowed us to continue for far longer than anybody could've expected and will propel us into an even better future over the next year and beyond. Thanks so very much, truly. I wish I could mind-meld with the community and express just how grateful I am. You all are the best. ♥

With the cringe outta the way, read on for some fun anniversary updates!!

Crystal Crossing

Following a massive meteor strike, Crystal Crossing has reemerged! Once hidden deep within the core of the planet, Crystal Crossing briefly revealed itself last year before quickly and mysteriously vanishing back into the ether... I guess it took a lil trip into Outer Space! What's more, it seems the mythical wish-maker ShinyJirachi became GalaxyJirachi! Perhaps she's even more powerful...? Or is this a new being entirely?! In any case, rumors are swirling that she will grant your wishes if you pay her a visit...

Signature Promos

Golden Galaxy Omega Celebi
Finally, Signature Promos have made another comeback! Back in Version 1.1 X, signature promos were an informal type of promotional Pokemon that could be captured by visiting the Webmaster Cless's profile signature on random occasions — click here to see how they looked back then!

For at least the rest of June, make sure to check Cless's signature near the bottom of the page every so often to collect your Signature Promo!


... Aaaand of course, no celebratory site update would be complete without an event boost! So, in celebration of 16 years, enjoy a sitewide 1.6x EXP boost for the rest of the week! (The final day will be Sunday, June 11th.)

June 3: Pride Gaze Mountain!

Legacy Venipede

All of a sudden, Moon Gaze Mountain has been terraformed into Pride Gaze Mountain, attracting numerous rare Pokemon to the area - oh the madness! They'll only be around for the next two weeks, so head on over to Pride Gaze Mountain to capture some exclusive festive Pokemon while you can!

June 1: Rock Trade-In Pride!

Happy Pride Month!! In celebration, some new festivities for the month have begun - read on to learn more!

Rainbow Galaxy PoochyenaRainbow Galaxy TurtwigRainbow Galaxy Rioluunknown-gen5-rainbowunknown-gen5-rainbow

First and foremost, a bunch of prideful Pokemon have staged a parade at the Rock Trade-In! Loving and cute as they are, they miiiight join your team if you demonstrate your worth. That is, by paying up with Rainbow Rock 250,000 Rocks, of course!

Second of all, Roto Boosts have made a return! You might recognize these from the 2021 Virus Event - this time, they're directly findable while clicking and a new Roto Rocks boost has been introduced in celebration of the Rock Trade-In Pride Parade! Once found, use them at the Roto Boosts section to activate personal boosts in EXP, Platinum Coins, shards, and more!

And of course, no celebratory update would be complete without a festive MOOst boost - therefore, a 1.4x event boost has begun! Enjoy!!!

Custom Pokemon portrait for Cless
On a somewhat weird and personal note, I wanted to apologize for my relative slowness and various delays these last few months, and just the dearth of content. It's been a heck of a year so far, suffice to say it's not been terribly fun. And any time I've thought I've turned a corner, life inevitably throws something else my way. So I hesitate to jinx myself yet again, but I genuinely believe I'm back in order now for the most part, and will hopefully be back on track by the end of the month at the latest.

I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience and boredom this has caused, but I can promise I'm fully dedicated to making Eclipse great again™️, I care about this game more than is probably healthy. If nothing else, I've had plenty of time to work on prototypes of new features/mechanics/etc and ideas suggested by the community, which I hope to deploy later this year if all goes well. It's been a long time since we've changed things up with new concepts and mechanics, so I'm looking forward to shaking things up on Eclipse! Anyway, all of that to say I greatly appreciate the patience shown by so much of the community and staff/artists, it means a lot, and I won't let all of you down.

... Please do bear with me while I get through the backlog, though! :sweat_smile:

June: Exclusive Donator Avatars!

Hyper Pride PhanpyHyper Pride TreeckoHyper Pride NoibatHyper Pride Braixen

The Exclusive Avatars for June 2023 are HyperPridePhanpy, HyperPrideTreecko, HyperPrideNoibat, and HyperPrideBraixen! Happy Pride Month!!! ♥

All donators who donate $25 or more in June will earn these avatars for free!
The avatars are permanently and automatically added to your Avatar Collection.
They are available for a month only, then they will be unobtainable.

Hyper Anniversary CelebiLegacy Hyper Cosmee

Furthermore, in celebration of Pokemon Eclipse's upcoming anniversary, if you donate $50 or more during June, you'll also receive HyperAnniversaryCelebi and LegacyHyperCosmee avatars! A big thanks to Kora ʕ ʔ for this month's celebratory pride and Celebi sprites!

If you already qualify for the avatars, you should receive them automatically within three days! If not, please reach out to Cless. (You will get a PM once they're added to your avatar collection.)

If you're interested in donating, see the Donations Guide for more details!
And feel free to PM me, Cless if you have any questions at all!
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Posted By: Cless
Date Posted: June 01, 2023