News: Spooky Scary September! - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

News: Spooky Scary September!

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Spooky Scary September!
October 4

Shadow Hyper Galaxy Munchlax

ShadowHyperGalaxyMunchlax is the special Pokemon on Moon Gaze Mountain for 2 weeks!

October 4: New ??? DNAs!

A new selection of Pokemon can be restored from map, battle, and mining ??? DNAs! (In other words, all classes except Chat and Daily Prize DNAs, although the Chat DNAs do have a couple of new prizes.) The three listed DNA classes have entirely new prize pools, except for SilverChao (battling) which will remain for a little bit longer. A big thanks once again to Kora ʕ ʔ for preparing this update!

Tip: ??? DNAs are a mysterious type of Pokemon DNA found randomly while searching the Legendary Areas, battling, mining, or chatting on the cbox. They can also be earned from Daily Prize chests. Visit the DNA Center to restore DNAs — you require 3 DNAs of a particular type to restore a Pokemon back to life.

Eclipse Star October 3rd Edition!

The latest edition of the Eclipse Star is here!
Check out the new Eclipse Star by clicking here!

The Eclipse Star is in great need of new Journalists.
Without new team members in the coming weeks, the paper may need to take a temporary hiatus until more help is available to manage the workload.

If you are interested in becoming an Eclipse Star Journalist, please click here to check out our application forum.

September 24: Hi, Belle!

Custom Pokemon portrait for Cybelle
Congratulations to + Cybelle for passing their trial position and becoming a full Cbox Moderator! May the giraffes be ever in your favor!! MOO!

September 19: Burned Tower Chaos!

All of a sudden, during the night, Burned Tower became enveloped in darkness, attracting rare Pokemon and chickens alike from throughout Eternia, ultimately transforming it into Chocobo Tower! It is said this has something to do with DemonChocobo28's birthday, but that seems pretty Farfetch'd far-fetched... right?!

Shadow Galaxy MeloettaLight Galarian Zapdos

Either way, it demands investigation - head on over to Chocobo Tower and see what's going on before it's too late! Happy birthday DemonChocobo28!!!

September: Exclusive Donator Avatars!

Hyper Sunburst ArcanineHyper Tropical HoundoomHyper Primary FurfrouHyper Pine Stoutland

The Exclusive Avatars for September 2023 are HyperSunburstArcanine, HyperTropicalHoundoom, HyperPrimaryFurfrou, and HyperPineStoutland!

All donators who donate $25 or more in September will earn these avatars for free!
The avatars are permanently and automatically added to your Avatar Collection.
They are available for a month only, then they will be unobtainable.

Hyper Sunshine KartanaHyper Galaxy XurkitreeHyper Azure Celesteela

Furthermore, if you donate $50 or more during September, you'll also receive HyperSunshineKartana, HyperGalaxyXurkitree, and HyperAzureCelesteela avatars! Thanks so much to Kora ʕ ʔ for this month's beautiful avatars!

If you already qualify for the avatars, you should receive them automatically within three days! If not, please reach out to Cless. (You will get a PM once they're added to your avatar collection.)

If you're interested in donating, see the Donations Guide for more details!
And feel free to PM me, Cless if you have any questions at all!

September 8: Daily Prize Errors

So uh... y'all might've noticed some weirdness with Daily Prizes today! For reasons seemingly relating to a certain user named "BENJAMIN" (very odd name yes), today's Daily Prize was temporarily uncollectible. GASP! Worry not though—the bug is hopefully resolved as of 8 AM Eclipse Time! Furthermore, we have frozen Daily Prize streak resets for the next 24 hours, just in case anybody missed out entirely on account of not having the first 8 hours.

Nonetheless, if you were online between 12-8 AM and missed today's Daily Prize but still want to collect it (either for a rare chest or simply to "catch up" your streak to what it should be), and your streak is over 365, feel free to reach out to Cless and I'll advance your streak 1 day and automatically collect the "skipped" chest. This may be particularly helpful if you have a max streak and want to maintain it.

Rest assured, if this bug continues, said user "BENJAMIN" will be promptly banned. If the glitch happens to you, we highly recommend filing an official report™️: Indeed, go ahead and report him in advance regardless, it is strongly encouraged for he is clearly guilty.

Edit: It's perhaps also worth noting that I'll attempt to automatically advance the streak of anybody who was online between 12-8 AM earlier today, so contacting me probably isn't necessary, but it's still worth reaching out to me (Cless) if you want to be 100% sure. Regardless, if I'm able to successfully do that, you will receive a PM notifying you about your chest reward.
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Posted By: Cless
Date Posted: September 08, 2023